How to Stay Hopeful in the Fight for Equality
The fact that we’re still fighting for equality in the 21st century can stir up a variety of emotions for many people. You might be angry, frustrated, sad, or even scared. If you’re in any minority group, those emotions are likely exacerbated. It can be difficult to remain hopeful and strong as you remain in the fight.
But keeping that hope alive is so important. If people stop fighting for equality now, things are likely to backslide for future generations. So, what can you do to stay hopeful in the fight for equality, even if it feels like the deck is stacked against you more often than not?
Seek Out Support
You’re likely to feel less hopeful when you’re alone in your fight. It’s important to remind yourself that others share your ideals, values, and drive. There are people out there who want to help, whether it’s simply by supporting you or by banding together to do something on a larger scale.
Sometimes, simply having someone to talk to about how you’re feeling or the actions you want to take can make a big difference in your well-being and your motivation to keep fighting. So, surround yourself with like-minded people. If that doesn’t seem to include your current social circle, consider branching out. Join forums online or seek out local advocacy groups.
Support the Right Organizations
When you’re supported by the people around you, you’ll be more empowered to carry that support with you to specific groups and organizations. There are many nationwide and worldwide organizations doing their part to uplift minorities and marginalized communities.
It only takes a few minutes of research to discover which of these organizations speak to you. When you find the one(s) you want to support, you can do so by donating money, attending events, and participating in demonstrations. There is strength in numbers, which is why these organizations matter so much in the fight for equality.
Support Diverse Media
Representation is incredibly important. Seeing someone like you on a TV screen can help keep your spirits high. It will remind you that we’ve come a long way, even if there is still more to do.
Find television shows and movies that naturally promote diversity. That could include media that features different races and ethnic backgrounds, or people with different sexual orientations and representations of other minority groups. Media that shows a diverse world provides an accurate representation of how things really look, no matter how much other types of “entertainment” might want to focus on a single race or sexual orientation. By supporting diverse programming and introducing it to the next generation, you’ll give it the boost it needs to become the norm.
Educate Yourself
Whether you’re in a minority group or not, it’s always important to educate yourself when it comes to other groups, cultures, and people. Far too often, a lack of education and awareness makes it difficult for people to see major inequality issues within our country. You don’t have to identify with a certain group to empathize or learn more about them.
When more people start to open their minds to marginalized groups and educate themselves on how they are being treated, real change can start to happen.
If you’re already feeling dragged down in this fight and you’re starting to lose hope, these ideas might seem easier said than done. Don’t forget to take care of yourself first. A daily self-care routine can go a long way in helping you feel reenergized and motivated. That can include talking to a mental health professional for support. Feel free to reach out to set up an appointment for anxiety therapy soon.